The german Civil Code and the development of Private Law in Germany


  • Reinhard Zimmermann
  • Arthur Maximus Monteiro (trad.)
  • João Carlos Mettlach (rev. trad.)
  • Otavio Luiz Rodrigues Junior (rev. final trad.)
  • Jan Peter Schmidt


Private law, Legal history, German Civil Code, Modernization of the Law of Obligations


The German Civil Code is a comparatively late fruit of the codification movement. The way towards legal unity by means of a code of private law had been long and arduous. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the various states joined in the Deutscher Bund (German Federation) had already started to accommodate the needs of an expanding economy which was operating increasingly on a supraregional level. The advent of machinery and urbanisation facilitated the production processes and the rising bourgeoisie favoured open markets promoting the free interplay of economic forces. Legal unification therefore was required, first and foremost, in the trade-related fields oflaw. A first significant step in this direction was the establishment of a German Customs Union in 1833. With the Modernization of the Law of Obligations, most of the special statutes in the field of consumer contract law have now found a place in the BGB. In addition, there have been reforms affecting the law of damages, contract of lease, form requirements, package holidays, and foundations.

Author Biographies

Reinhard Zimmermann

Diretor do Instituto Max-Planck para o Direito Estrangeiro e Privado Internacional, Hamburgo, Alemanha. Senador do Conselho da Sociedade Max-Planck. Professor Catedrático de Direito Civil, Direito Romano e História do Direito da Universidade de Ratisbona (Baviera, Alemanha). Presidente da Associação Alemã de Professores de Direito Civil. Membro da Academia Bávara de Artes e Ciências. Membro da Rede de Pesquisa de Direito Civil Contemporâneo. 

Arthur Maximus Monteiro (trad.)

Doutorando em Ciências Jurídico-Políticas e Mestre em Direitos Fundamentais pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa. 

João Carlos Mettlach (rev. trad.)

Mestrando em Direito Civil – Faculdade de Direito do Largo São Francisco – Universidade de São Paulo. 

Otavio Luiz Rodrigues Junior (rev. final trad.)

Professor Doutor da Faculdade de Direito do Largo de São Francisco – Universidade de São Paulo. 

Jan Peter Schmidt

Doutor em Direito Civil – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Augsburg. Pesquisador-chefe para a América Latina do Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht. 





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