The concept of “social function of property” established under article 421 of the Brazilian Civil Code


  • Jan Peter Schmidt
  • Daniel Dias
  • Francisco Sabadin Medina


Social function of property, Law of obligations, Contract law, Brazilian Civil Code, Contract principle


Originally published in German by Mohr Siebeck in the year of 2009, Zivilrechtskodifikation in Brasilien. Strukturfragen und regelungsprobleme in historisch-vergleichender perspektive (roughly translated as: Civil codification in Brazil. Structural issues and regulation problems in a historical-comparative perspective) is the result of the doctoral research carried out by Professor Jan Peter Schmidt. The research has brought a rare and complete study of the 2002 Brazilian Civil Code and the historical grounds of Brazilian legal development. This text is a Portuguese translation of the part regarding the concept of “social function of the contract”, as established in article 421 of the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002.

Author Biographies

Jan Peter Schmidt

Doutor em Direito Civil – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Augsburg. Pesquisador chefe para a América Latina do Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht

Daniel Dias

Doutor em Direito Civil pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – USP, com período de pesquisa na Universidade de Munique e no Instituto Max-Planck, em Hamburgo (2014-2015). Estágio Pós-Doutoral na Harvard Law School (2016-2017). Professor da FGV Direito Rio. 

Francisco Sabadin Medina

Doutor em Direito Civil pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – USP. LL.M. pela Universidade de Munique – LMU. Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da USP. 





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