Notes on the liquidation relationship of terminated contracts (critical analysis of the retroactive conception of termination in Brazilian Law)


  • Marcelo Vieira von Adamek
  • André Nunes Conti


Liquidation relationship, Contract termination, Restitution, Restitutionary claims, Contract law


The legal concept of contract termi­nation has been elaborated in many countries as a retroactive deconstruction of the contrac­tual relationship. According to this opinion, still prevalent in Brazil, the effects of a terminated contract end up, in whole or in part, extinguished ex tunc, and it is based on this premise, not pro­vided for in any law, that most scholars seek to explain the reason and the characteristics of the restitution effect of termination. However, such a retroactive construction of a termination that goes back to the past to extinguish the effects of a contract that has already been partially fulfilled is no longer adequate. As perceived by the unanimity of German doctrine and by great Portuguese scholars, the non-retroactive con­struction of termination is much simpler and more consistent. It understands termination as a simple modification of the existing contractual relationship and justifies its restitutionary effect with the emergence ex nunc of new restitution duties within the scope of that very same con­tractual relationship. Analyzing the various dog­matic implications of adopting one and the other model, this paper argues that, also in Brazil, the retroactive construction of termination should be abandoned.

Author Biographies

Marcelo Vieira von Adamek

Doutor e Mestre em Direito Comercial pela Faculdade de Direito (Largo de São Francisco) da Universidade de São Paulo – USP. Professor Doutor do Departamento de Direito Comercial da Faculdade de Direito da USP. Advogado.

André Nunes Conti

Doutorando e mestre (LL.M.) em Direito pela Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität de Munique – LMU. Advogado em São Paulo.





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