The “Principles of European Tort Law” (PETL) at the beginning of a second decade


  • Miquel Martín-Casals
  • Thalles Ricardo Alciati Vallim (trad.)
  • Rafael Peteffi da Silva


Principles on European Tort Law, Flexible system, Requirements of tort law, Liability Rules


In May 2005, the European Group on Tort Law presented the “Principles on European Tort Law” (PETL), which have, since then, been expanded and updated. Their practical purpose is producing something that might be useful as a basis for the enhancement and harmonization of the law of torts in Europe, as they identify the principles common to the different laws of tort existing there and, if no common principles exist, or if the existing common principles are generally not considered satisfactory, they propose ‘better’ possible solutions. This article demonstrates, however briefly, the impact of the PETL in national legislation, case law and legal scholarship in many European countries, as well as it elucidates some of its specific aspects. Maintaining a critical approach, the work presents the underlying ‘flexible system’ of the PETL, utilized by the Group as a way to introduce the necessary flexibility without falling into over-vagueness. Furthermore, it explains how the PETL establishes the basic elements of the liability system, developing on the Basic Norm, the General Conditions of Liability (i.e. damage and causation) and the Bases of Liability (fault liability, strict liability and liability for others). Finally, it anticipates the continuity of the Group’s study to produce an improved version of the Principles, that will cover various topics in more depth and take in consideration the criticism and praise received from numerous countries.

Author Biographies

Miquel Martín-Casals

Professor Catedrático de Direito Civil – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Girona, Espanha. Membro do Grupo Europeu de Responsabilidade Civil desde 1998 e membro do Comitê do Projeto de Princípios de Direito Europeu da Responsabilidade Civil. Coordenador da Rede de Pesquisa de Direito Civil Contemporâneo (USP, Humboldt-Berlim, Coimbra, Lisboa, Porto, Girona, UFMG, UFPR, UFRGS, UFSC, UFPE, UFF, UFC, UFMT e UFBA). 

Thalles Ricardo Alciati Vallim (trad.)

Mestrando em Direito Civil – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). 

Rafael Peteffi da Silva

Professor adjunto de Direito Civil da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Coordenador da Rede de Pesquisa de Direito Civil Contemporâneo (USP, Humboldt-Berlim, Coimbra, Lisboa, Porto, Girona, UFMG, UFPR, UFRGS, UFSC, UFPE, UFF, UFC, UFMT e UFBA). 





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