The mountain in labor: the reduction of pecuniary damages based on the degree of fault in as stablished by the case law of the Superior Court of Justice


  • Flavia Portella Püschel


Equitable Reduction of Damages, Degree of Fault, Full Compensation, Pecuniary Damages, Relationship between Legislature and Judiciary


Considering that in the twenty years following the enactment of the Civil Code courts have very rarely used the equitable reduction of damages based on the excessive disproportion be­tween the degree of fault and the harm caused in cases of pecuniary damages, this article analyzes how the Superior Court of Justice applied the rule in question in a series of judgments regarding this kind of damages. The purpose of the paper is to contribute to the debate on how the Judiciary in­corporated the rule of Article 944, sole paragraph of the Civil Code into the legal system and to inves­tigate the hypothesis that the norm is on its way to becoming irrelevant. Based on the reconstruction of the law applicable to the case, the paper shows that the solution adopted by the court makes the rule in question redundant and, moreover, intro­duces an unnecessary complication in the law of torts.

Author Biography

Flavia Portella Püschel

Professora Associada da Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV Direito SP). Doutora em Direito Civil pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo – SP, Brasil.


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