Joint venture agreements and acquisition of quotas issued by Brazilian limited liability partnerships. Debt that requires an appraisal. Maximum time for the statute of limitations that is not yet reached. [...]


  • Thiago Marinho Nunes


Joint venture agreements and acquisition of quotas issued by Brazilian limited liability partnerships. Debt that requires an appraisal. Maximum time for the statute of limitations that is not yet reached. A valid summon during ordinary proceedings of civil courts shall interr upt the maximum time of the statute of limitations for a claim to be br ought up to court. The beginning of such timeframe is then to be initiated again based on the time of last proceeding which interr upted it in the first place. Statute of limitations set for 10 years. Precedents of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice – STJ (Legal Opinion).

Author Biography

Thiago Marinho Nunes

Doutor em Direito Internacional e Comparado pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – USP. Professor do Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais – IBMEC São Paulo. 





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