The framework of civil liability for judges in Portugal, in accordance with Article 14, as established under Act 67 of December 31, 2007


  • Estevan Pietro


Tort liability, Immunity, Judges, Right of recourse


The present paper aims to analyze the framework for civil liability for judges in Portu­gal within a restrictive framework. It does so by examining how article 14, as established under Act 67 of December 31, 2007, relates to damages caused by judges in Portugal, whether intention­ally or through gross negligence, while carrying out their duties. The paper delves into the extent of the application of this article and attempts to define those who are subject to its rules. Subse­quently, it explores the possibility of judges being parties in judicial claims related to article 14, as well as the effectiveness of the rules governing the right of recourse in such cases.

Author Biography

Estevan Pietro

Advogado. Mestre em Direito Administrativo pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra/Portugal; Pós-Graduado em Direito Tributário pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários – IBET; Pós-Graduando em Direito da Regulação e da Concorrência pelo Centro de Estudos de Direito Público e da Regulação – CEDIPRE/Portugal.





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