The right to knowledge of the genetic origins in the assisted reproduction technology and the anonymity principle


  • Marta Rodrigues Maffeis Moreira


Genetic origins, Personal rights, Assisted reproductive technology, Anonymity, Filiation


The right to know one’s genetic origins is a personal right, by which every person has the right to know their biological ancestry, and has been recently put into evidence due to the growing demand for assisted human reproduction procedures. Though not specifically recognized by Brazilian law, such right is based on the principle of human dignity, as well as other personal rights. On the other hand, Brazilian law grants anonymity to the gamete donors, which means their identity cannot be revealed. The conflict arising from this matter has been resolved in several countries by repealing such anonymity right in light of the right to know one’s genetic origins. The importance of the debate of such matter has increased due to the fact Brazilian lawmakers have drafted bills which aim to regulate assisted human reproduction procedures and anonymity rights of the gamete donors.





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