Two cases in identical slavery of the United States and Brazil: Approach between Private Law and Constitutional Law


  • Lênio Streck


Liberalism, Brazilian private law, Fundamental rights, Slavery, Constitutional jurisdiction


This article seeks to analyze the differences between two slavery cases, Dred Scott, in the USA and Lino and Lourenço, and to highlight the progressive standpoint in the decision of the Brazilian judge recognizing the slaves’ liberty. If in the Scott Case the US Supreme Court based its ruling on the fundamental notions of a slavery status quo in the 19th century, the decision in the Brazilian case was fundamental for strengthening abolitionist positions in the country. This study allows the establishment of two critiques: first, the weakness on discourses seeking to explain the adjudication process based on ideological factors with no previous signification agreement; second, the use of interpretive, so-called objectivist theories as a subterfuge to hide ideological positions.


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