The Brazilian Personal Data Protection Bill in comparison to the new European Community Regulation 2016/679


  • Alexandre Veronese
  • Noemy Melo


Personality rights, Personal data, Brazilian Federal Bill 5,276/2016, Regulation 2016/679, European Union


The article describes the sources of the statutory legal norms that deal with personal data protection and the Brazilian Bill under debate in the Parliament in order to compare them with the actual European Union Regulation 2016/679. The main goal of the article is to provide some criticism over the Brazil Federal Bill 5,276/2016 without losing sight about its enactment importance. The first section describes the origin of the Brazilian legal concept of information, which was driven from administrative legal statutes concerning public and private archives. Afterwards, the next section shows the construction of the legal concept of personality rights in the Civil Code and the concept of the personal information protection in the Consumer Relations Code. A remark is made to demonstrate that the Brazilian legal community built such legal concepts with a fierce use of the constitutional law and that such operation culminated in the enactment of the Internet Civil Legal Framework, which can be tagged as an eclectic statute, because it covers a wide array of legal areas, both public and private. At last, the article details the Brazil Personal Data Protection Bill, which is compared to the European Union Regulation 2016/679. Three critics are made. The first is the absence of the administrative means to enforce the legal rights of the future statute. The second is the low capacity that the Brazilian system has to build legal models to regulate the private enterprises behavior. The third cover some absent legal topics, with special regard to the necessity of regulate the personal data treatments for criminal purposes, as European Union does. The conclusion indicates that Brazil is late about the enactment of a bill to build a system of personal data protection. In addition, it criticizes that would be important whether the legislative debate included some other communications’ fields like telecommunications and broadcasting in a manner to bring more regulatory synergy.


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