Contract farming in face of the effects caused by Covid-19 pandemic


  • Ana Carolina Borges Oliveira


Tenant farming contracts, Bills, Adjustment of contracts, Impacts, Covid-19, Pandemic


This article aims to investigate the im­pacts on contract farming caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. While the legal framework of farming contracts comprehends many statutes under Brazilian law, the occurrence of a pandemic has provided new elements to the discussion of such contracts, especially when it comes to the equiv­alence of the pandemic as a force majeure event, which would then lead either to the adjustment of the contract’s terms or its termination. In this sense, several bills were presented with the purpose of seeking regulation for the impacts generated by the pandemic, which are the object of this study. The paper analyzes the legislative procedures involving Bill 1,179 of 2020 and Bill 2,239 of 2020, on whether the pandemic may be considered a force majeure event as a ground for the adjustment of farming contracts, taking into account the legal framework of contracts in Brazil, as well as the criteria for the adjustment of contracts terms by courts established under Brazilian legal scholarship and precedents.

Author Biography

Ana Carolina Borges Oliveira

Mestre em Direito e Políticas Públicas pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília – UniCEUB. Especialista em Direito dos Contratos e Responsabilidade Civil pelo Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público – IDP. Professora de Direito Civil e Direito Notarial e Registral na Faculdade Processus. Presidente da Comissão da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados da OAB/DF, Subseção Águas Claras.


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