Succession provisions in prenuptial agreements: a case for its acceptability and its legal boundaries


  • Nestor Duarte


Succession planning, Prenuptial agreements, Succession provisions, Family Law, Inheritance Law


Succession planning has gained im­portance due to the complexity of economic life. In parallel to this, the changes brought about by the new family arrangements require caution so that disagreements or mismanagement do not ruin large fortunes. Therefore, the patrimonial aspect of Family Law has gained importance, and the prenuptial agreements are very useful in this regard. In face of the traditional prohibition of succession pacts, it is necessary to reexam­ine the scope of the legal provisions that inhibit them in order to update the application of the law to modern needs. Therefore, not every suc­cession provision in a marriage covenant should be prohibited.

Author Biography

Nestor Duarte

Professor Titular da Faculdade de Direito (Largo de São Francisco) da Universidade de São Paulo – USP. Advogado. Desembargador aposentado do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo – TJ/SP. Ex-Procurador do Estado de São Paulo.





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