The largest possible consensus

informed consent under the prism of comparative law


  • Eugênio Facchini Neto


Informed consent, Comparative law, Autodeterminação


The article deals with informed consent in the context of comparative law. Analyzes its origin and historical evolution, its normative rules in different countries and under international and European Community Law, as well as in Brazilian law. Deeply analyzes its foundations, supporting the right to self determination of the patient, to be fully considered in the doctor-patient relationship. It also analyzes the content of the duty to inform, its formal expression, as well as some evidentiary issues and the exceptions to the duty to inform

Author Biography

Eugênio Facchini Neto

Doutor em Direito Comparado (Università Degli Studi di Firenze/Itália). Mestre em Direito Civil (Facul- dade de Direito da USP). Professor Titular dos Cursos de Graduação, Mestrado e Doutorado em Direito da PUC/RS. Professor e ex-diretor da Escola Superior da Magistratura/Ajuris. Desembargador do TJRS. 





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